All Products

8-bit Freddy SILVER (Enamel Pin)

8-bit Hockey Mask WHITE (Enamel Pin)

8-Bit Jason (Enamel Pin)

8-Bit Jason GOLD (Enamel Pin)

8-bit Leatherface BLUE (Enamel Pin)

8-bit Leatherface GREEN (Enamel Pin)

A Clockwork Orange (Decal)

‘78 Halloween Pumpkin (Beanie Orange)

‘78 Halloween Pumpkin (PVC Patch 3”)

‘78 Pumpkin (Decal)

‘78 Pumpkin (Enamel Pin)

‘78 Pumpkin Glow Edition (Enamel Pin)

Battery Acid (Enamel Pin)

Blunt Witch Project (Decal)

Bogus (Enamel Pin)

Bogus (Holographic Decal)

Boogeyman (T-Shirt)

Chucky Sole (Enamel Pin)

Chucky Sole Glitter (Enamel Pin)

Clockwork Ultra Violence (PVC Patch 3”)

Dawn Of The Alf (Enamel Pin)


Freddy Stomp (Enamel Pin)

Friday The 13th Burn In Hell (Patch)